shopping mall trackless train for sale

Beston Trackless Train In Chile

Our customers from Chile has bought a trackless trains for shopping mall from Beston Amusement Company. The trackless train ride has one locomotive and four coaches. Customers are very satisfied with our shopping mall trackless train rides and he said it exceeds their expectations. Below are the photos that our customer feedback with our sales manager Carolina.
Beston Trackless Train In Chile

Are you interested in our Beston electric trackless train rides?  Please Send Us an Inquiry

Beston Trackless Train In Chile 01

Beston Amusement Group has the whole production lines of the amusement trains. Therefore, we can keep the price of the Beston shopping mall trackless train acceptable and with quality assurance. After buying our train rides, we can assemble you can assemble it directly or teach how to assemble, so that ytou can assemble it by yourself in your city. Beston trackless train adopts first class resin, thickness is very trong, color is baked by high temperature, not easy to fade. Workmanship of trackless trains in Beston is very excellent,any interests, please call us for more information and quotation.

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    Project Tips:

    1. What is the plan for amusement park management?
    2. Which rides are you preferred? (capacity, quantity, etc.)
    3. What is the time schedule for the whole project?
    4. Is the land approved? Are the funds ready?