Indoor Soft Playground Equipment In Malaysia
Indoor Soft Playground Equipment In Malaysia Shipment: Delivery on May 2022 Status of project: Finish installation Business Open: On 5th, September Location: Johor In Malaysia Client Situation The client of ...
24 Seats Carousel Rides In Philippines
One month ago, our Philippines client search our advertisement to enter into our website and leave the inquiry for the carousel rides for his amusement park business. By chatting by ...
Trackless Train Delivery To Philippines
One month ago, our Philippines client leave the urgent inquiry for the trackless train rides that is used in shopping mall business, then we send all train rides catalogue with ...
Mini Trackless Train In Indonesia
Warmly congratulation that Beston dudu trackless train have arrived and finished assembling for our Indonesia client, now our clients have finished the testing and is running in the shopping mall ...
Big Pendulum Rides In Indonesia
Warmly congratulation that Beston big pendulum rides have arrived at Indonesia and finished installation and debugging, it is a newest pendulum rides for teenager & adults with 23 seats and ...
Beston Amusement Park Project In Indonesia
Introduction of Outdoor Amusement Park Project In Indonesia Warmly congratualation on amusement park project had finished manufacturing & testing and delivery to our clients in Indonesia, Now our Indonesia clients ...
Beston Bumper Boat In Indonesia
One month ago, our indonesia client have recelived the Beston bumper boat with colorful lights and have start his business in amusement park, when our client get the bumper boat, ...
Beston Amusement Park Project In Vietnam
We are so happy to help Vietnam customers building an indoor playground! Vietnam customers buy several sets of indoor amusement park ride including disco tagada ride, elephant track train ride, ...